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Saturday 21 February 2015

Grade 11 Healthy Lifestyle Project

Use the following to begin your paragraphs for your essay. For each paragraph have 1 or 2 pictures to show the class when you read/ present your essay to the class. Here is a blank powerpoint file.

Add pictures and audio (speech) and hand in to Mr Seamus so I can give you a mark Grade 11 PPT Template

For breakfast I eat...

For lunch I like to eat _______________  I also drink __________________

For a snack I like ____________________________.

For dinner my family likes to eat______________________. We also like ____________________  because.

My favorite exercise is _____________________________________. I am also good at ________________________________

Class developed Essay for Grade 12 project. Add graphics for presentation. Due by Feb 25 Wednesday

Grade 12 Project template for Powerpoint
Grade 12 PROJECT

My life today is very different than my grandfather’s life was. Although we have to deal with the same four aspects of _food,  entertainment,  transport, and technology, the way we use them every day is different.


In the past and today we eat camel and drink water. But today we have fast food like, hamburger and  pizza,  and we drink pepsi. This is different than the past.


In my grandfather’s time he would sing, dance, and play the drums if he wanted entertainment,  but today I can watch a movie or listen to the radio to be entertained.


To get around my grandfather either went by camel or he walked every where. I can also walk to the store, but if I want to go far away I will use a car or bus.


There was very little technology in my Grandfather’s time, he only had fire and the wheel. I however have many things like computers, a  phone, and a electricity.




Wednesday 18 February 2015

Finished IST to finish the PROJECT

This next week, both the Grade 11 and 12 classes will work on and deliver their end of term project.
The grade 11 Project will deal with a Healthy DIET  (Eating and exercise)
The grade 12 Project will compare Life in the PAST to Life Today (Technology, Transportation, Entertainment, and Food)

Please try to make your presentation using visual aids like pictures , props, or powerpoint.

Good Luck